Best Rwenzori Trekking Tours 2024
These best Rwenzori trekking tours are all inclusive as well as non inclusive of park entrance fees, all porters, food, and accommodation whilst in the mountain, but also post Rwenzori trekking tours, depending on the trail used, which includes, 3 days trekking Mahoma loop- Rwenzori Central Circuit, 5 days 0n way up Margherita Peak, 7 days Rwenzori Central circuit trail, 10 days Rwenzori Trekking, 12 days Rwenzori & Gorillas, 14 Primates & Rwenzori Trek among others.
The Rwenzori trekking/ Hiking packges will set upon brilliant Rwenzori Landscapes from the foothills to several peaks of Margherita of Mount Stanley, Mount Baker, Mount Speak, Waisemann. These treks of the Rwenzori Mountains take on 2 routes of Kilembe Trail & Central Circuit trail.

3 Days Nature Trekking Mahoma Trail. Take a nature walk round a loop along the central circuits from Nyakalengija through Omukakizi Camp, Lake Mahoma camp, Nyabitaba on a 3 days Mahoma loop Rwenzori Trek

5 Days One Way Margherita Peak Trek: The one way trek from the foot hills takes you to Margehrita Peak, following Naybitaba hut , Jon Matte camp, Bujuku camp and Elena Huts, along the central circiut.

7 Days Rwenzori Central Circuit Trek follows the anti-clockwise loop through Nyabitaba, John Matte, Bujuku, Elena, Kitandara, and Guy Yeoman camps from the Foothills to Margherita Peak

8 Days Rwenzori Kilembe Trail Trekking: Enjoy the mystical challenge, plus the magnificent views of the Rwenzori Mountains, as you trek through the Kilembe trail to Margherita Peak.

7 Days Rwenzori Kilembe Trail Trekking , is an ideal Kilembe trail trek. It includes all the 5 distinctive vegetation zones of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park

10 Days Rwenzori Mountains Trekking, includes 8 days/7 nights of Rwenzori trekking along central circuit, 5 different vegetation zones & Margherita Peak (at 5109m)

12 Days Rwenzori & Gorilla Trekking offers gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park , Game viewing in Queen Elizabeth 7 Days Rwenzori Kilembe Trek

13 Days Rwenzori Gorillas & Chimpanzee Treks offers Chimpanzee tracking, Mountain Gorilla Trekking and 7 days Rwenzori trekking along the central circuit

6 Days Rwenzori Hikie To Weismann Peak via the Central circuit trail to Weismann Peak is a less stranous 5,000m peak compared to the demanding peaks of Mt Stanley and Baker.

15 Days Tetra & Benardswick Peak Treks allows you to summit 3 peaks of Margherita peak, Tetra peak and Benardswick on a combined route of Central circuit & Kilembe

12 Days Rwenzori Trek, Gorillas & Wildlife takes you for 7 days Rwenzori central circuit trek, Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park & wildlife Viewing in Queen Elizabeth National Park

9 Days Speke, Margherita & Baker Peak Rwenzori Trek offers an ultimate trek to three distinctive peaks of the Rwenzori Massif along the Central circuit Trail